zaterdag 16 mei 2015

May day

President Robinson's last zone conferences were this week. There remains only the zone trainings in June, before he goes home. I got a lot out of the presentations given. Amsterdam's was on Wednesday, and it was held in Zoetermeer, along with the Den Haag zone. 

During the first part of the conference, President and Sister Robinson, President Scheltinga and Van der Put all spoke. One presentation that was unusual (since the others were mostly about spiritual things and missionary work), was President's: he spoke about the iPads that will one day be rolled out in this mission. For the time being, they are being issued in 10 European missions, still as a test, but they will eventually arrive here and yet another tool will be available to missionaries. Probably after my mission, but that's fine by me, since I do not really want an iPad, haha. The APs gave a short presentation on the white handbook, discussing a few practical things, mainly as a reminder.

In the second half of the conference, we were shown a documentary from BYUtv about the Book of Mormon, that I highly recommend. And then, for the fourth time in my case, the singing elders performed their "Journey of No End", something I also recommend. They will be performing that next in Antwerpen on the 6th of June 2015, and later in other places (inquire with your local missionaries for more dates). It is always great to listen to the singing elders.

The next day, Thursday, we drove the Rotterdam and Apeldoorn zones' orders and mail down to Rotterdam, for their zone conference around lunchtime. We ate there with them, of course. Just after Sister Robinson had done birthdays and the birthday song had been sung, the singing elders surprised the Robinsons with some Western love song. They loved it, and it was great.

The rest of the week was pretty normal, with some days being a bit busier than others. We had less time to teach this week, but we still had appointments with our investigators, and another YSA game night on Wednesday. Things are going well, we are blessed.

"Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown" - William Shakespeare

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